Thursday, April 14, 2011

Strive for progress, not perfection

Wednesday April 13th   Spin Class 45 minutes approx 500 cal burned in 16 miles
Thursday April 14th  Treadmill 65 minutes approx 460 cal burned in about 4.65 miles

...trying to burn 500 cal every time i exercise

my diet has been awful though

where do i begin?

day one of my blog.  I have thought about using a blog in the past, never knew how or where to start and then today my mother was my inspiration.  She is traveling and using a blog so we can follow her in her journey, while I am here, I also want to track my own journey.
Writing has ALWAYS been my favorite form of communication. writing heals me.  I have to let it out.
I have titled my blog Life as I "didnt" know it, because through out my writing's I will use this as a place to watch my own self discovery and use this as a tool for how I pull myself through the ups and downs of life. In the past few years, I have learned that (day to day) life will never be as you once knew it. changing, growing, evolving is in constant motion.
My father always said I should write, what he may or may not know is that since his passing, writing has been a way for me to heal.
 Some people can draw, paint, sew, be mechanically inclined, or play professional sports, i like to put my thoughts on paper.
Here I will track my day to day activities, health/nutrition, fitness, travels, experiences and general thoughts on life, in hopes to gain a greater perspective on me and my life and to share this life through writing with other people