Thursday, April 14, 2011

where do i begin?

day one of my blog.  I have thought about using a blog in the past, never knew how or where to start and then today my mother was my inspiration.  She is traveling and using a blog so we can follow her in her journey, while I am here, I also want to track my own journey.
Writing has ALWAYS been my favorite form of communication. writing heals me.  I have to let it out.
I have titled my blog Life as I "didnt" know it, because through out my writing's I will use this as a place to watch my own self discovery and use this as a tool for how I pull myself through the ups and downs of life. In the past few years, I have learned that (day to day) life will never be as you once knew it. changing, growing, evolving is in constant motion.
My father always said I should write, what he may or may not know is that since his passing, writing has been a way for me to heal.
 Some people can draw, paint, sew, be mechanically inclined, or play professional sports, i like to put my thoughts on paper.
Here I will track my day to day activities, health/nutrition, fitness, travels, experiences and general thoughts on life, in hopes to gain a greater perspective on me and my life and to share this life through writing with other people

1 comment:

  1. This is a good way to have a paperless journal, and we can read each others thoughts since we aren't living closer to each other right now.
